Baby Family


The role of parents in general, and of the mother in particular, consists of ensuring the proper development of their offspring. But a little moment to breathe can’t hurt, for other small tasks. The swing can help in this direction, provided you do not abuse it.

How long in a swing?

From time to time, to go about daily or personal occupations between two times when you take care of your baby, you must put your little one down to have your hands free. Various materials can help you in this objective, among which is the swing. This extra accessory allows you to put the little one in a cozy location. In addition, he may have some functionalities likely to rock him or hold his attention. To a certain extent, it can even allow him to take a short nap, depending on the time of day or the current situation.

However, if this accessory brings an obvious semblance of benefit, it is nonetheless an additional material to be used in moderation. Early childhood specialists, pediatricians, and all those involved in childcare clearly indicate that a child should not stay in a swing for too long. It is an accessory in which the little one should only stay a few minutes, the time to let you do small jobs like cleaning in a room, preparing a meal, a little laundry, or other activities that won’t ask you for half a day.

According to specialists, the child should not stay more than 10 to 20 minutes in a swing. You must make sure to use this accessory only in case of urgent need, and again, you must use it by respecting all the recommendations recommended by the manufacturer. Indeed, new safety standards now govern the use of this equipment, established by the American CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission, or Commission for the Safety of Consumer Products). Many accident cases, including fatal ones, have resulted in this situation. Not to mention the risks of fatal consequences, here are some dangerous consequences to take into account, to dissuade you from leaving your little one too long in a swing.

Lack of tone

Contrary to what most would tend to believe, a baby does not develop only with milk and sleep. It also needs to be entertained and to move, to fulfill all the functions that it must later develop. With all the ads that extol the merit and usefulness of this extra accessory, you have taken the plunge and bought an inexpensive baby swing, so that you can free yourself from time to time. The first precaution to take, however, is to remind yourself not to “forget” your little one there, on the pretext that he seems to be feeling good there, or that he seems to find an imperturbable sleep there.

Your child may indeed appear calm in his swing. However, you may not know that it is simply losing its vitality. Because he stays in one position for too long, your child is actually tired and no longer has the strength to wiggle as all healthy babies should. This lack of tone, obviously, will have repercussions on the rest of its development, possibly reaching a delay or a psychological defect.

A packing of bones and organs

Normally, when you stay in one position for too long, your limbs will go numb, and you will need to change positions to feel comfortable again. Even in yoga sessions, you must adopt another posture to compensate for the previous one. The principle is the same for a child in a swing, except that unlike an adult, a baby does not yet have the mental capacity or the physical strength to change position on his own. By leaving it too long in the position imposed by the swing, although comfortable, this prolonged posture will affect your physique in the long run.

Depending on the model, the little one is either elongated and slightly curved, or elongated with the head rather raised, or in an almost seated position. In all cases, leaving your child too long in one position condemns him to the packing of the bones and organs, and even to plagiocephaly or flattening of the back of the head. To avoid all these risks, simply follow the recommendations, and do not leave your baby in the swing for too long, under any circumstances.

Stunted growth

The various consequent settlements then risk altering its normal growth, in particular at the level of the formation of different muscles, as well as the creation and growth of bones for example. In the same context, leaving it too long in the swing also risks delaying his awakening and the development of his cognitive abilities. If the situation arises, you can always consult an osteopath or a pediatrician specializing in child psychology.

To avoid the worst, follow the recommendations. In some extreme cases, the use of the swing has even been indicated as a factor of accidents with dramatic consequences, motivating the current instructions.

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