Women have never had an easy time balancing a stable career and a healthy family life. It’s like becoming a full-time working mother comes with bouts of tension and regret for not being capable of giving work and family equal attention.
Pursuing a full-time job while trying to juggle between home and office responsibilities can result in a lot of stress. It’s tough to maintain a harmony between your job and family life without having any negative effects on either.
However, it’s the 21st century and ladies from different sorts of life choose to have it all. They need a happy family, a fulfilling career and some isolation to find some time for themselves. Yet often, we need to learn how to take a step back and build a healthy balance between work and home.
So, how do we as women find balance while still practicing our superpowers? Here are some useful tips which you can start today!!!
Stay connected with your loved ones
A big thank you to the technology, for it is no longer a struggle to know the wellbeing and whereabouts of your friends and family. All working women can now stay close to their families easily when they are working at the workplace.
For example, when you miss your family, you can immediately make a phone call or do a video call and then can get back to work without any stress or frustration. This not just comforts you, but also makes your dear ones realize that you are there for them. This can surely help you go through a hectic working day.
Be thoughtful
Always make sure that you take out some time during this juggling phase to be thoughtful. It is very important for all of us to get connected to our souls as it is the most important step while one is finding balance.
By mindfulness and meditation, you are much more aware of the feelings that occur when you perform those tasks and are linked to them. Have you ever tried doing meditation at your home?
If no, then try to add 5-10 minutes of meditation in your daily routine. It will help you to focus on your goals and be clearer about them. When you’re more mindful, you start noticing the events and circumstances that benefit you and those that don’t.
Determining things that do not bring you happiness requires putting your true self into conscious alignment. You will begin to realize how being mindful makes your life easier and more enjoyable. This will eventually provide the needed balance in your life.
Take out time for yourself
Taking out time to do things you enjoy is the key to keeping a good work-life balance. It’s always fair to think about yourself sometimes, so have some free time and pamper yourself.
Just go for a massage, spa, binge-watch your favorite TV show, read books, fly solo, or just don’t do anything. It is very important to learn to look after yourself, and only then you will be able to look after your family and your job.
Draw a limit to work
When you have identified all your duties and responsibilities, pick 2-3 and remove them right now. It is important to draw a line between these activities to make sure that you get rid of this tension.
Some of the biggest lessons we need to learn are to say NO to things that don’t compliment your goals. Learning to balance your professional and personal life with success is the best mantra.
Remember to set the boundaries so that you can give all the aspects of life your heart and soul. Make sure that you do not bring your work at home. When spending time with your family, make it a point that you are not on the phone sending emails or talking with colleagues about work.
If possible then outsource some daily life work like doing shopping, getting vegetables from the market, delivering a parcel etc. There are a lot of errand running businesses which can help you with these tasks.
Be respectful to your relationships, and start saying no to things that do not benefit us.
Write down notes
A very important move in finding a work-life balance is to sit back and take note of your day-to-day tasks and duties. The first step to change is to get out of your mind and document your thoughts on paper.
Create two columns on a white sheet and write down the tasks that you are doing on a regular basis in the first section. Start it from the time you wake up until you go to bed. Then, use the second column to document how you feel while doing every task.
Always make the habit of using a single word to write down your feelings such as tired, happy or angry. Creating notes will help you understand the need for more balance in your life that you can start making improvements.
This checklist also represents a significant step in setting a goal to make some effective changes in your life.
Drop your cape down
We all know that even superheroes need a halt to rest a bit and since you are here reading this article, then you should know that removing your cape is important.
Creating your own breaks in an entire week is the key to finding harmony. It is time to unwind and reward you sometime every day or a larger number of hours once a week.
It is essential to anticipate these small breaks for mental wellbeing and to boost the release of dopamine which is a ‘feel-good hormone’. Balance actually occurs only after you understand the meaning of those breaks.
Never hesitate to ask for help
There’s really nothing wrong in admitting that you can’t do everything on your own and maybe a little support could relieve your huge workload. In doing everything on your own you not only exhaust your body but also plan it for a potential breakdown.
Start deciding what you have to do for yourself, and what others will look after. Sync up with your friends, spouses, and close relatives for support.
You and your partner should break up duties in such a way that after a long stressful day at the workplace, one of you doesn’t worry about going home.
Talk out things with your employer
It’s always beneficial to keep the conversation clear with your management team, HR, and seniors. Be truthful and 100% clear to your employers.
Let’s pretend you can’t get to the office on time because you’ve got to drop your child to school, then talking to them can help you get some flexibility in extending your work hours.
If this is an issue, plan with alternate approaches to illustrate how your efficiency and profitability will not be impacted by the arrangement.
With passing years, one will learn that maintaining a work-life balance needs frequent changes, compromises, and adjustments. It’s easier to be organized and learn to use your time and resources to the fullest. The more you know about your goals, the more stable and balanced you will be.